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4 Reasons to Invest in Fundraising Technology During Challenging Times

It’s no secret that a recession could be on the horizon. As news of inflation and worker shortages surface, you’re likely thinking about what you should do next to ensure your organization is prepared. While your first instinct may be to pull back on fundraising efforts and cut costs, the reality is, nonprofits that lean into fundraising during times of economic uncertainty thrive. During challenging times, donors are more likely to shift their support to organizations with a purpose they are passionate about. If you reduce your efforts, your organization could fall out of donors’ line of sight.  

One way you can prepare your nonprofit for the long-term is by investing in fundraising technology like Network for Good. Integrated fundraising technology can make your fundraising operation much more efficient and has a high return on investment for most small- and medium-sized nonprofits. This may be particularly relevant right now, as staffing shortages could be a challenge you’re facing. Simple all-in-one fundraising software like Network for Good allows you to:  

1. Get Personal with Donors.

Donors love personalized messages from the organizations they support. Whether it is an appeal based on their previous giving habits or a thank-you note for their recent contribution to your capital campaign, personalizing your messages helps donors feel more connected to your purpose. With Network for Good you can craft personalized emails, texts, and video messages using expertly-crafted appeal templates.

2. Implement Sophisticated Data Tracking.

One of the biggest pain points we hear about from nonprofits is tracking data about donors, donations, and more. While a spreadsheet may do the trick in the short-term, data can easily become a challenge to maintain as you gain more supporters and donations. Plus, it’s hard to pull reports and maintain an understanding of how your organization is doing with this method. A donor management system allows you to track data such as year-to-date giving and retention rates to develop compelling reports to share with your staff, board, and advisor, plus all of your data is in one place and easily accessible.  

3. Host More Impactful Fundraising Campaigns.

With so many causes to support, it’s important to ensure your next fundraising campaign stands out from the rest. Having technology with branded giving pages built in allows you to create a beautiful, eye-catching campaign to attract more donors. Plus, Network for Good allows you to easily host peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns to turn your existing donors into fundraisers. Finally, Network for Good’s Events and Auctions platform makes in-person, virtual, and hybrid events easier and more interactive for your supporters.  

4. Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness.

Finally, investing in fundraising and donor management software enables your staff to become more efficient, completing more strategic work with fewer errors. With all of your information and fundraising activities on a single platform, your team can work more efficiently to plan and execute fundraising campaigns, donor engagement activities, and more to elevate your organization’s purpose.  

Investing in technology isn’t the only thing nonprofits can do to set themselves up for long-term success.  

Interested in learning more? Download the 6 Key Strategies Nonprofits Can Implement to Weather Economic Uncertainty.

Published: December 27, 2022

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