We are a top product solution in Fundraising for Small Business, Fundraising, and Donor Management.
Trusted by over 7,000 passionate non-profits
Fundraisers like you agree:
Network for Good changes the game
Researcher and PhD Student
“…works really well as an all-inclusive fundraising & ‘supporter’ management system. Great to have all our tools in one place.”
Nothing speaks like results.
These four companies have a story to tell.
Data organization and the guidance of a pro fundraiser helped this Habitat for Humanity Chapter raise 18% more.
An auction function that helped them reach donors nationwide made this nonprofit's move to Network for Good a no-brainer.
Software that helps forges stronger relationships with donors, saves time, and provides support along the way supercharged Tree 4 Hope's mission
A suite of multi-channel communication tools means that even donors can become successful fundraisers for the organization
Software designed for busy fundraisers, by busy fundraisers
Interested in Joining Over 7000 Non-Profits Who Use Network for Good to Enhance Their Fundraising Efforts?
©2021 Network for Good.
Case Studies
The Reviews
Are In.
We are a top product solution in Fundraising for Small Business, Fundraising, and Donor Management.
Trusted by over 7,000 passionate non-profits
Nothing speaks like results. These four companies have a story to tell
An auction function that helped them reach donors nationwide made this nonprofit's move to Network for Good a no-brainer.
A suite of multi-channel communication tools means that even donors can become successful fundraisers for the organization.
Data organization and the guidance of a pro fundraiser helped this Habitat for Humanity Chapter raise 18% more.
Software that helps forges stronger relationships with donors, saves time, and provides support along the way supercharged Tree 4 Hope's mission.
Interested in Joining Over 7000 Non-Profits Who Use Network for Good to Enhance Their Fundraising Efforts?
Software designed for busy fundraisers, by busy fundraisers
©2021 Network for Good.
We Are #1 In Fundraising For Small Business, #1 Fundraising, #1 Donor management
Consultant & Founder Of Small Business
“I really like the communication offerings such as email blasts, texts, direct mail, and especially the personal video option for donors.”
Executive Director of Small Business
“…we received fantastic TA and coaching! Network for Good is an excellent company that has helped us grow!”
President & Founder of Small Business
“…create videos, respond to all of your donors, or a specific group, run a report, filter data, and more. It is so easy….”
Executive Pastor of Grouch Church
“Their customer service is better than I’ve had with ANY other company for ANY other product…and it isn’t even close.”
Development Director of Small Business
“…an extremely intuitive-to-learn platform that packs a surprisingly sophisticated set of services into its affordable platform.”
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